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What Keeps the Body Balanced

At the age of sixty-six, when I first started as a senior trainer, it never occurred to me that it would be necessary for me to study precisely what keeps the body balanced. It has become an obsession and the center of my attention and training.


My father was a proud man. At the age of eighty, he didn't think it was necessary to wear his life alert device. Then he fell in his living room, could not get up, AND lay on the floor until the other residents noticed he was not at dinner. Finally, a caretaker made it up to his room and, with much assistance, returned him to his chair.

His pride, self-esteem, and manhood seemed gone!

There he sat. A World War II veteran, the father of six children, and one of the best FBI agents this country has ever had, in his chair, alone, angry, confused, but embarrassed that he had lost his balance.

Why did he fall? He didn’t trip; there were no objects in his way. You wonder, what keeps the body balanced?

It was time to study more, train more, and Research. 

CDC: “Falls among adults aged 65 and older are very costly. $50 billion is spent on medical costs related to non-fatal fall injuries, and $754 million is spent on fatal falls.”

That’s a lot of Grandmas and Grandpas on the floor!

$50 Billion! The United States just sent $50 Billion out for a horrible war! $754 million for death by falling?

OK, OK… What keeps the body balanced?

We can do the research. It’s all out there. There is a connection between the different systems: Neurological, Sensory, and Musculoskeletal. Within these systems is a universe of human miracles, all playing a part in what keeps the body balanced.

As a Trainer and Functional Aging Specialist, my first step was the Musculoskeletal system. I figured that if I knew a lot about muscle strength, Joint mobility, and posture, I’d be all set and able to train all my senior clients.

Boy! Was I wrong…

I’ve realized that training the Sensory and Neurological systems will be a life-long journey.

You may trip on the dog and fall, that’s one example, but in the process of aging, years go by, and before you know it, you need someone to help you get around the house with just your daily activites.

Let's avoid this and keep your body balanced!

The Neurological, Sensory, and Musculoskeletal systems all play a part in keeping the body balanced. As we age, they all decline.

So maybe the question should be:

What causes the body to lose balance?

My father took excellent care of his Neurological system; his brain and cognitive abilities were good; psychologically, he was fantastic. His sensory system declined as an average aging man; however, his musculoskeletal system was ignored.

The events that happened and those that DID NOT happen caused my father's fall. So, what keeps the body balanced?

My answer is probably what you don't want to hear: Everything!

Get active. The best thing I ever did with one of my clients was to increase her heart rate and have fun doing it. We had the doctor clean her ears, we did brain exercises, Tai chi, and lifted weights. She is eighty-three years old, and she keeps her body balanced.

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