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AgingandFit New Info

We explore the latest and most advanced training techniques in regard to the active aging population. We strive to inspire you to enjoy a superior quality of life through Functional Movement. Balance for seniors is our passion.

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Jul 28, 2024

About me


Tom McGuire and his passion enable folks to be active and educated about movement

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Jul 28, 2024

Functional fitness for seniors is education for a better life.


Functional fitness for seniors is the theme for Aging and Fit. Through personal experience and education, movement is critical for our health.

Continue reading "Functional fitness for seniors is education for a better life."

Jan 15, 2024

Balance for Older Adults

Girl Lift

Balance for Older Adults is an introduction to what causes balance problems and what keeps the body balanced.

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Aug 29, 2023

Activities to Improve balance

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There are five main activities to improve balance that can help everyone to improve their balance. Read about exercise, prescriptions, and more.

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Aug 20, 2023

Pain Management


Understanding pain management, the differant causes of pain and the ways to manage the effects.

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Aug 06, 2023

what clients say


Tom McGuire has testimonials that cover years of his trainings and experience

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Apr 29, 2023

Why strength training after 60 in essential

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Strength training used to be seen as a young person's activity. Today strength training after 60 is common!

Continue reading "Why strength training after 60 in essential"

Feb 26, 2023

How to Thrive on your Fitness Journey

Thrive on your fitness journey. Stay motivated for the long term and have fun along the way.

Continue reading "How to Thrive on your Fitness Journey"

Jan 28, 2023


Coaching clients to stay strong and enjoy a superior life through Functional Movements

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