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Strength Training After 60


Why is strength training after 60 essential for your health?

If you’re over 60, you  might gain weight, develop high blood pressure, and become frailer and weaker by the day.

Plus, if you’re like most of us, you’re worried about falling or developing dementia.

But what if we told you about a miracle drug that would help you lose weight, manage your blood pressure, and improve your bone density and strength?

What if this drug also helped prevent falls and memory loss?

If that came in a pill, you’d swallow it right?


But if the miracle cure came from strength training after 60 – like lifting weights, using our strength machines, or practicing yoga? Would you be as excited?

Probably not.

The health benefits of strength training for mature people have been proven countless times. Yet it’s still seen as a young person’s activity, usually pursuing nothing more than a muscular physique.

Education is crucial in overcoming harmful stereotypes, so we are more than happy to share a few of the literally countless reasons why you should practice resistance training on a regular basis.

You don’t want to be one of those people who can’t get up off the toilet by yourself. Or who can’t pick up your grandbaby. Or sleep through the night.

We’ll start with 15 – all proven by legitimate medical studies. This isn’t just our opinion. Ask your doctor about strength training after 60.

Then call us, and let’s get going.

15 Reasons why strength training after 60 is Essential 

Girl Lift

1 - It slows age-related muscle loss and increases muscle mass and quality. We all lose muscle as we age, but we need it to stay strong enough to function in daily activities, not to mention to travel, enjoy sports, and play with the grandkids.

2 - Resistance training burns fat. Think it’s all about cardio? Wrong. So many people want to lose weight, and if you’re one of them, you must be lifting.

3 - Weight training improves balance when standing still and when moving, thus lowering the risk of falls.

4 - It eases arthritis pain.

5 - Lowers blood pressure.

Senior Stepping

6 - And fights obesity.

7 - Strength training builds bones and fights osteoporosis. This is an extra motivation for women, who lose a small percentage of bone mass each year after menopause.

8 - It fights depression among older adults.

9 - Plus, dementia, including Alzheimer’s.

10 - And Parkinson’s Disease.

Black Man

11 - Weightlifting helps you sleep better.

12 - It helps your self-esteem and appearance.

13 - It can improve memory and mild cognitive impairment.

14 - Strength training is effective at treating the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes.

15 - It boosts our metabolism, burning fat and building muscle. So, we’re also using more calories when resting and sleeping.

We discuss the safest, most effective tool to improve your quality of life. We promise you will NOT look like you’re entering a bodybuilding show.

Plus – seriously – it’s a ton of fun. And think how tickled you’ll be telling your kids and grandkids that you’re lifting weights!

Sorry, it’s not in a pill. But we know this way is better.

See us Today at Sports West Athletic Club for your FREE Assessment!

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